Our API requires POST requests to be made with all fields as POST data. Fields with multiple values should be passed as JSON arrays (eg. [“value1”, “value2”]).
Responses can be in either JSON or CSV format.
The report method can be used to view delivery and earnings data across a specific publisher's placement groups and placements. You can choose what data you want to see. Note that the data will be grouped on, and the metrics aggregated by, the dimensions that you specify.
The API endpoint is:
Request Parameters
Field | Required | Default | Description |
key | Yes | n/a | Found in your account settings |
format | No | json | “json” or “csv” |
start_date | No | (yesterday) | YYYY-MM-DD format |
end_date | No | (yesterday) | YYYY-MM-DD format |
dimensions | No | ["date", "placement_id", "placement_name"] | JSON array of dimensions |
metrics | No | ["imps", "clicks", "earnings"] | JSON array of metrics |
filters | No | {} | JSON object of filters (note any of the supplied ids can match), eg. {"placement_id": ["first_id”, “second_id"]} |
Available Dimensions
Dimension | Type | Example | Description |
date | date | 2016-07-01 | YYYY-MM-DD format |
hour | datetime | 2016-07-31 02:00:00 | YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 format |
month | string | 2016-07 | YYYY-MM format |
placement_id | int | 400000 | MobileFuse ID of individual placement |
placement_name | string | BobsApp_300x250_SP_Android_App | Name of the individual placement |
year | int | 2016 | YYYY format |
Available Metrics
Metric | Type | Example | Description |
clicks | int | 26 | Number of clicks on ads |
ctr | double | 0.0015 | Clickthrough rate expressed as a decimal |
earnings | currency | $15.2505 | Earnings in USD |
imps | int | 25000 | Number of impressions delivered |
ecpm | currency | 1.5455 | Effective Cost Per Thousand Impressions |
vcr | double | 0.853 | Video Completion Rate expressed as a decimal |
video_starts | int | 25000 | Number of videos that started playing |
video_first_quartiles | int | 25000 | Number of videos which played for at least 25% of their duration |
video_midpoints | int | 25000 | Number of videos which played for at least 50% of their duration |
video_third_quartiles | int | 25000 | Number of videos which played for at least 75% of their duration |
video_completes | int | 25000 | Number of videos which played to completion |
Available Filters
Dimension | Type | Example | Description |
placement_id | int | 400000 | MobileFuse ID of placement |
Example JSON Response
Given the following request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "key=[INSERT_KEY_HERE]" -F "format=json" -F "start_date=2016-08-01" -F "end_date=2016-08-02" -F "dimensions=[\"date\"]" -F "metrics=[\"imps\", \"clicks\", \"earnings\", \"ctr\", \"ecpm\"]" "https://dashboard.mobilefuse.com/api/v2/report"
Or the following request, if you want to query for a specific placement:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "key=[INSERT_KEY_HERE]" -F "format=json" -F "start_date=2016-08-01" -F "end_date=2016-08-02" -F "dimensions=[\"date\"]" -F "metrics=[\"imps\", \"clicks\", \"earnings\", \"ctr\", \"ecpm\"]" -F "filters={\"placement_id\": [12345,23456]}" "https://dashboard.mobilefuse.com/api/v2/report"
You will receive a response similar to the following (note for errors, “status” will be “error” and there will be a description in the “message” field):
{ "status": "success", "data": [ { "date": "2016-08-01", "imps": "1000", "clicks": "10", "earnings": 1.0, "ctr": "0.01", "ecpm": 1.0 }, { "date": "2016-08-02", "imps": "1000", "clicks": "10", "earnings": 1.0, "ctr": "0.01", "ecpm": 1.0 } ] }
Example CSV Response
Given the following request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "key=[INSERT_KEY_HERE]" -F "format=json" -F "start_date=2016-08-01" -F "end_date=2016-08-02" -F "dimensions=[\"date\"]" -F "metrics=[\"imps\", \"clicks\", \"earnings\", \"ctr\", \"ecpm\"]" "https://dashboard.mobilefuse.com/api/v2/report"
You will receive a response similar to the following (not for errors, the output will start with “Error:” followed by a description of the error.:
date,imps,clicks,earnings,ctr,ecpm 2016-08-01,1000,10,1.0,0.01,1.0 2016-08-02,1000,10,1.0,0.01,1.0
Get a List of Placements
The placements method can be used to retrieve a list of all active placements and their associated placement groups. Please note this report is limited to Publishers.
The API endpoint is:
Request Parameters
Field | Required | Default | Description |
key | Yes | n/a | Found in your account settings |
format | No | json | “json” or “csv” |
Example JSON Response
Given the following request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "key=[INSERT_KEY_HERE]" -F "format=json" "https://dashboard.mobilefuse.com/api/v2/placements"
You will receive a response similar to the following:
{ "status": "success", "data": [ { "placement_id": 400000, "placement_name": "BobsApp_300x250_SP_Android_App" } ] }
Example CSV Response
Given the following request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "key=[INSERT_KEY_HERE]" -F "format=csv" "https://dashboard.mobilefuse.com/api/v2/placement-groups"
You will receive a response similar to the following:
placement_id,placement_name 400000,BobsApp_300x250_SP_Android_App 400001,BobsOtherApp_300x250_SP_Android_App