Unity IronSource Mediation Custom Adapter

MobileFuse provides an IronSource mediation adapter for Interstitial Ads. Banner ad custom mediation adapters are currently not supported by IronSource - the MobileFuse adapter will be updated to support banners as soon as support is available.

Step 1. Configure your app in the IronSource publisher console

In the IronSource publisher console, select your app in the “Monetize” section.

From the left menu, select “Setup” then “SDK Networks”. Then, from the top menu select “Manage Networks”:

Setup → SDK Networks → Manage Networks

A panel will appear with a selection of ad networks. For MobileFuse, select “Custom Adapter”, then enter our network key:

Network Key: 15ba2a9e9

Press “Enter Key →” to continue, you should see a “MobileFuse” configuration dialog where you can set your Publisher ID:

Entering publisher ID

Enter your publisher ID, and then select “Rate based revenue”, then click Save.

You should now have MobileFuse listed as an option under your SDK networks setup for your app. You can click “Setup” or the edit icon to set your App ID and placement IDs for your app:

Step 2. Download the MobileFuse IronSource Mediation Adapter

Gradle Setup

1- Ensure that mavenCentral is included in your settings.gradle file:

repositories { // [... other project repos] mavenCentral() }

2- Update your app module’s dependencies to include the MobileFuse IronSource Adapter:

dependencies { // [... other project dependencies] implementation 'com.mobilefuse.sdk:mobilefuse-adapter-ironsource:' }

Step 3. Configure Data Privacy

The only other configuration that you may want to set up is data privacy. You should call the MobileFuse.setPrivacyPreferences() method before you initialize the IronSource SDK. This will allow you to supply an IAB consent string or US privacy string that will be passed through to MobileFuse: