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MobileFuse provides an AppLovin MAX custom adapter for Interstitial, Banner and Medium Rectangle ads.

Current Version

Step 1. Configure MobileFuse in the MAX publisher console

In the MAX publisher console, select Manage → Networks. At the bottom of the list of ad networks, click on “Click here to add a Custom Network

The “Manage Network” page will appear with several options, set them to the following:

Network Type


Custom Network Name


iOS Adapter Class Name


Android / Fire OS Adapter Class Name


Note: Ensure that you fill out both the iOS and Android fields, even if you only intend to use MobileFuse on a single platform!

After filling out the above information, press “Save”, and ensure that MobileFuse is now visible in the list of networks

Step 2 - Configure your ad units to use MobileFuse ads

Select the MAX → Manage → Ad Units page, and then click on the unit that you want to configure.

On the Edit Ad Unit page you’ll see a long list of networks - scroll down to the Custom Networks & Deals section and you should see the MobileFuse adapter listed as a custom network.

Expand the ad unit and set the status to green. You should be prompted for an App ID and Placement ID. You will have received this information from your contact at MobileFuse. The App ID will look like 1234_123456, and a placement ID is a numeric value like 123456.

Set up a CPM price - this will be used for the waterfall of MobileFuse vs. other networks, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save

Important - Double check that the placement IDs that you set up match the ad format that you’re creating. The ad type can be found at the top of the page on the “Edit Ad Unit” page. Ensure that you use an interstitial placement ID for an interstitial unit, and a banner for banner/mrec.

Step 3. Install the MobileFuse Applovin MAX Mediation Adapter for iOS

CocoaPods Setup

Update your podfile to include the MobileFuse AppLovin MAX Mediation Adapter:

source ''
target 'My Project' do
	pod 'MobileFuseAppLovinAdapter'

Run pod install or pod update as appropriate.

Add the MobileFuse files to your XCode project using the “File > Add Files to …” command

Once the files are added, they will be visible in your Project Navigator file tree.

Additionally, XCode should automatically include the implementation files when compiling your project. You can double check this in your Project’s build settings.

Step 4. Configure Data Privacy

The only other configuration that you may want to set up is data privacy. You should call the [MobileFuse setPrivacyPreferences:] method as soon as possible after your app launches (highly recommended: before initializing the Applovin SDK!), or when the users privacy preferences change. This will allow you to supply an IAB consent string or US privacy string that will be passed through to MobileFuse:

App Tracking Transparency Framework

Source code

The source code for our AppLovin MAX adapter is below:

//  ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter.h
//  AppLovin MAX Mediation Adapter for MobileFuse

@import Foundation;
@import MobileFuseSDK;
@import AppLovinSDK;

#ifndef ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter_h
#define ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter_h


@interface ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter : ALMediationAdapter<MASignalProvider, MAAdViewAdapter, MAInterstitialAdapter, MARewardedAdapter, IMFInitializationCallbackReceiver>



#endif /* ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter_h */
//  ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter.m
//  AppLovin MAX Mediation Adapter for MobileFuse

#import "ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter.h"

// Adapter version number is SDK_VERSION.ADAPTER_REVISION (e.g
#define ADAPTER_REVISION (@"0") // Increment this if we need to release a patched adapter for a particular SDK version (and set to 0 for next new SDK version)

@interface ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterAdViewDelegate : NSObject<IMFAdCallbackReceiver>
@property (nonatomic, weak, readwrite) ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter *parentAdapter;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) id<MAAdViewAdapterDelegate> delegate;
- (instancetype)initWithParentAdapter:(ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter *)parentAdapter andNotify:(id<MAAdViewAdapterDelegate>)delegate;

@interface ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterInterstitialAdDelegate : NSObject<IMFAdCallbackReceiver>
@property (nonatomic, weak, readwrite) ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter *parentAdapter;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) id<MAInterstitialAdapterDelegate> delegate;
- (instancetype)initWithParentAdapter:(ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter *)parentAdapter andNotify:(id<MAInterstitialAdapterDelegate>)delegate;

@interface ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterRewardedAdDelegate : NSObject<IMFAdCallbackReceiver>
@property (nonatomic, weak, readwrite) ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter *parentAdapter;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) id<MARewardedAdapterDelegate> delegate;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL grantedReward;
- (instancetype)initWithParentAdapter:(ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter *)parentAdapter andNotify:(id<MARewardedAdapterDelegate>)delegate;

@interface ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter()

@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) MFInterstitialAd *interstitial;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) MFBannerAd *adView;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) MFRewardedAd *rewarded;

@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterInterstitialAdDelegate *interstitialAdapterDelegate;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterAdViewDelegate *adViewAdapterDelegate;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterRewardedAdDelegate *rewardedAdapterDelegate;

@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^initializationCompletionHandler)(MAAdapterInitializationStatus, NSString * _Nullable);


@implementation ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter

#pragma mark - MAAdapter Methods

- (NSString *)SDKVersion
    return [MobileFuse version];

- (NSString *)adapterVersion
    return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.%@", [self SDKVersion], ADAPTER_REVISION];

- (void)initializeWithParameters:(id<MAAdapterInitializationParameters>)parameters completionHandler:(void (^)(MAAdapterInitializationStatus, NSString * _Nullable))completionHandler 
    // If the SDK is already initialized, just give a success callback straight away
    if ( [MobileFuse isReady] )
        completionHandler(MAAdapterInitializationStatusInitializedSuccess, nil);

    // If the app_id is not set or empty, we skip the SDK internal init as we are presuming to run as a bidding adapter only
    if ( !parameters.serverParameters[@"app_id"] || [parameters.serverParameters[@"app_id"] length] == 0 )
        [self log: @"No app key is set for initialization, running with bidding support only %@", self];
        completionHandler(MAAdapterInitializationStatusInitializedSuccess, nil);

    // Parse our app ID, in MAX our publishers provide both numeric IDs separated by an underscore (<pubid>_<appid>)
    NSArray *mobileFuseAppKeyParts = [parameters.serverParameters[@"app_id"] componentsSeparatedByString: @"_"];

    if ( [mobileFuseAppKeyParts count] != 2 ) 
        completionHandler(MAAdapterInitializationStatusInitializedFailure, @"Invalid app key supplied");

    NSString *mobileFusePublisherId = mobileFuseAppKeyParts[0];
    NSString *mobileFuseAppId = mobileFuseAppKeyParts[1];

    // Keep a reference to the completion handler so we can trigger it when our initialization delegate methods are invoked
    self.initializationCompletionHandler = completionHandler;

    // Now initialize the MobileFuse SDK
    [MobileFuse initWithAppId: mobileFuseAppId withPublisherId: mobileFusePublisherId withDelegate: (id<IMFInitializationCallbackReceiver>)self];

    completionHandler(MAAdapterInitializationStatusInitializing, nil);

- (void)destroy 
    if ( self.adView )
        [self.adView destroy];
        self.adView = nil;

    if ( self.interstitial )
        [self.interstitial destroy];
        self.interstitial = nil;

    if ( self.rewarded )
        [self.rewarded destroy];
        self.rewarded = nil;

    self.interstitialAdapterDelegate = nil;
    self.adViewAdapterDelegate = nil;
    self.rewardedAdapterDelegate = nil;

#pragma mark - MASignalProvider Methods

- (void)collectSignalWithParameters:(id<MASignalCollectionParameters>)parameters andNotify:(id<MASignalCollectionDelegate>)delegate
    [self log: @"Collecting signal..."];

    MFBiddingTokenRequest* request = [[MFBiddingTokenRequest alloc] init];
    request.privacyPreferences = [self getPrivacyPreferences: parameters];
    request.isTestMode = parameters.isTesting;

    NSString* token = [MFBiddingTokenProvider getTokenWithRequest: request];
    [delegate didCollectSignal: token];

#pragma mark - MAInterstitialAdapter Methods

- (void)loadInterstitialAdForParameters:(id<MAAdapterResponseParameters>)parameters andNotify:(id<MAInterstitialAdapterDelegate>)delegate 
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        NSString *placementId = parameters.thirdPartyAdPlacementIdentifier;
        NSString *bidResponse = parameters.bidResponse;
        BOOL isBiddingAd = bidResponse != nil && [bidResponse al_isValidString];

        [self log: @"Loading %@interstitial ad for placement \"%@\"...", isBiddingAd ? @"bidding " : @"", placementId];

        if ( self.interstitial )
            [self.interstitial destroy];
            self.interstitial = nil;

        self.interstitialAdapterDelegate = [[ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterInterstitialAdDelegate alloc] initWithParentAdapter: self andNotify: delegate];
        self.interstitial = [[MFInterstitialAd alloc] initWithPlacementId: placementId];
        [self.interstitial registerAdCallbackReceiver: self.interstitialAdapterDelegate];
        [[ALUtils topViewControllerFromKeyWindow].view addSubview: self.interstitial];

        if ( isBiddingAd )
            [self.interstitial loadAdWithBiddingResponseToken: bidResponse];
            [self.interstitial loadAd];

- (void)showInterstitialAdForParameters:(nonnull id<MAAdapterResponseParameters>)parameters andNotify:(nonnull id<MAInterstitialAdapterDelegate>)delegate 
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        [self log: @"Showing interstitial ad..."];

        if ( !self.interstitial )
            [delegate didFailToDisplayInterstitialAdWithError: MAAdapterError.invalidLoadState];

        if ( [self.interstitial isExpired] )
            [self log: @"Failed to show interstitial ad because the ad has expired. Please try to ensure that you load ads near to the time that you intend to show them."];
            [delegate didFailToDisplayInterstitialAdWithError: MAAdapterError.adExpiredError];

        if ( ![self.interstitial isLoaded] )
            [delegate didFailToDisplayInterstitialAdWithError: MAAdapterError.adNotReady];

        [self.interstitial showAd];

#pragma mark - MARewardedAdapter Methods

- (void)loadRewardedAdForParameters:(nonnull id<MAAdapterResponseParameters>)parameters andNotify:(nonnull id<MARewardedAdapterDelegate>)delegate 
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        NSString *placementId = parameters.thirdPartyAdPlacementIdentifier;
        NSString *bidResponse = parameters.bidResponse;
        BOOL isBiddingAd = bidResponse != nil && [bidResponse al_isValidString];

        [self log: @"Loading %@rewarded ad for placement \"%@\"...", isBiddingAd ? @"bidding " : @"", placementId];

        if ( self.rewarded )
            [self.rewarded destroy];
            self.rewarded = nil;

        self.rewardedAdapterDelegate = [[ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterRewardedAdDelegate alloc] initWithParentAdapter: self andNotify: delegate];
        self.rewarded = [[MFRewardedAd alloc] initWithPlacementId: placementId];
        [self.rewarded registerAdCallbackReceiver: self.rewardedAdapterDelegate];
        [[ALUtils topViewControllerFromKeyWindow].view addSubview: self.rewarded];

        if ( isBiddingAd )
            [self.rewarded loadAdWithBiddingResponseToken: bidResponse];
            [self.rewarded loadAd];

- (void)showRewardedAdForParameters:(nonnull id<MAAdapterResponseParameters>)parameters andNotify:(nonnull id<MARewardedAdapterDelegate>)delegate
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        [self log: @"Showing rewarded ad..."];

        if ( !self.rewarded ) 
            [delegate didFailToDisplayRewardedAdWithError: MAAdapterError.invalidLoadState];

        if ( [self.rewarded isExpired] )
            [self log: @"Failed to show rewarded ad because the ad has expired. Please try to ensure that you load ads near to the time that you intend to show them."];
            [delegate didFailToDisplayRewardedAdWithError: MAAdapterError.adExpiredError];

        if ( ![self.rewarded isLoaded] )
            [delegate didFailToDisplayRewardedAdWithError: MAAdapterError.adNotReady];

        [self.rewarded showAd];

#pragma mark - MAAdViewAdapter Methods

- (void)loadAdViewAdForParameters:(id<MAAdapterResponseParameters>)parameters 
                         adFormat:(MAAdFormat *)adFormat
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        NSString *placementId = parameters.thirdPartyAdPlacementIdentifier;
        NSString *bidResponse = parameters.bidResponse;
        BOOL isBiddingAd = bidResponse != nil && [bidResponse al_isValidString];

        [self log: @"Loading %@%@ ad for placement \"%@\"...", isBiddingAd ? @"bidding " : @"", adFormat.label, placementId];

        if ( self.adView )
            [self.adView destroy];
            self.adView = nil;

        // Get ad size from the ad format, but allow the user to force it using a custom parameter
        NSDictionary *customData = [[parameters serverParameters] al_dictionaryForKey: @"custom_parameters"];
        MFBannerAdSize bannerSize = [self getBannerAdSizeFromAdFormat: adFormat];
        if ( customData[@"forcedSize"] )
             // If the placement has a custom "forcedSize" parameter in its JSON, override with that
            [self log: @"Override ad size with size from custom data: %@", customData[@"forcedSize"]];
            bannerSize = [self getBannerAdSizeFromString: customData[@"forcedSize"]];

        self.adViewAdapterDelegate = [[ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterAdViewDelegate alloc] initWithParentAdapter: self andNotify: delegate];
        self.adView = [[MFBannerAd alloc] initWithPlacementId: placementId withSize: bannerSize];
        [self.adView registerAdCallbackReceiver: self.adViewAdapterDelegate];

        // If the placement has a custom "initiallyMuted" parameter, use that to override initial mute state of banners
        if ( customData[@"initiallyMuted"] )
            [self log: @"Override ad mute state with value from custom data: %@", [customData[@"initiallyMuted"] boolValue] ? @"YES" : @"NO"];
            [self.adView setMuted: [customData[@"initiallyMuted"] boolValue]];

        if ( isBiddingAd )
            [self.adView loadAdWithBiddingResponseToken: bidResponse];
            [self.adView loadAd];

- (MFBannerAdSize)getBannerAdSizeFromAdFormat:(MAAdFormat *)adFormat 
    if ( adFormat == MAAdFormat.banner) 
        // Represents a 320x50 banner advertisement
        [self log: @"%@ Ad size is 320x50", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
        return MOBILEFUSE_BANNER_SIZE_320x50;
    else if ( adFormat == MAAdFormat.leader )
        // Represents a 728x90 leaderboard advertisement (for tablets)
        [self log: @"%@ Ad size is 728x90", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
        return MOBILEFUSE_BANNER_SIZE_728x90;
    else if ( adFormat == MAAdFormat.mrec )
         // Represents a 300x250 rectangular advertisement
        [self log: @"%@ Ad size is 300x250", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
        return MOBILEFUSE_BANNER_SIZE_300x250;
        [self log: @"getBannerAdSizeFromAdFormat warning: Unsupported ad format specified, using default banner size"];

- (MFBannerAdSize)getBannerAdSizeFromString:(NSString*)size 
    NSDictionary *sizeMap = @{
        @"320x50":  @(MOBILEFUSE_BANNER_SIZE_320x50),
        @"300x50":  @(MOBILEFUSE_BANNER_SIZE_300x50),
        @"300x250": @(MOBILEFUSE_BANNER_SIZE_300x250),
        @"728x90":  @(MOBILEFUSE_BANNER_SIZE_728x90)

    if ( sizeMap[size] )
        return [sizeMap[size] integerValue];

#pragma mark - Privacy

- (MobileFusePrivacyPreferences*)getPrivacyPreferences:(id<MAAdapterParameters>) parameters 
    MobileFusePrivacyPreferences *prefs = [[MobileFusePrivacyPreferences alloc] init];

    if ( ALSdk.versionCode >= 61100 ) 
        NSNumber *isDoNotSell = [self privacySettingForSelector: @selector(isDoNotSell) fromParameters: parameters];
        if ( isDoNotSell ) 
            [prefs setUsPrivacyConsentString: isDoNotSell.boolValue ? @"1YY-" : @"1YN-"];
            [prefs setUsPrivacyConsentString: @"1---"];

    NSNumber *isAgeRestrictedUser = [self privacySettingForSelector: @selector(isAgeRestrictedUser) fromParameters: parameters];
    if ( isAgeRestrictedUser ) 
        [prefs setSubjectToCoppa: isAgeRestrictedUser.boolValue];

    if ( ALSdk.versionCode >= 11040299 ) 
        if ( parameters.consentString ) 
            [prefs setIabConsentString: parameters.consentString];

    return prefs;

- (nullable NSNumber *)privacySettingForSelector:(SEL)selector fromParameters:(id<MAAdapterParameters>)parameters
    // Use reflection because compiled adapters have trouble fetching `BOOL` from old SDKs and `NSNumber` from new SDKs (above 6.14.0)
    NSMethodSignature *signature = [[parameters class] instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: selector];
    NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature: signature];
    [invocation setSelector: selector];
    [invocation setTarget: parameters];
    [invocation invoke];

    // Privacy parameters return nullable NSNumber on newer SDKs
    if ( ALSdk.versionCode >= 6140000 )
        NSNumber *__unsafe_unretained value;
        [invocation getReturnValue: &value];

        return value;
    // Privacy parameters return BOOL on older SDKs
        BOOL rawValue;
        [invocation getReturnValue: &rawValue];

        return @(rawValue);

#pragma mark - Initialization Delegates
// IMFInitializationCallbackReceiver delegate implementation

- (void)onInitSuccess:(NSString *)appId withPublisherId:(NSString *)publisherId 
    [self log: @"Initialization succeeded"];
    self.initializationCompletionHandler(MAAdapterInitializationStatusInitializedSuccess, nil);

- (void)onInitError:(NSString *)message forAppId:(NSString *)appId withPublisherId:(NSString *)publisherId 
    [self log: @"Error during initialization with message: %@", message];
    self.initializationCompletionHandler(MAAdapterInitializationStatusInitializedFailure, nil);


#pragma mark - Banner Delegate

@implementation ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterAdViewDelegate

- (instancetype)initWithParentAdapter:(ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter *)parentAdapter andNotify:(id<MAAdViewAdapterDelegate>)delegate 
    self = [super init];
    if ( self ) 
        self.parentAdapter = parentAdapter;
        self.delegate = delegate;
    return self;

// IMFAdCallbackReceiver delegate implementation

- (void)onAdLoaded:(MFAd *)ad 
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"AdView %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didLoadAdForAdView: ad];

    // Show the banner ad immediately
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        [(MFBannerAd *)ad showAdWithViewController: [ALUtils topViewControllerFromKeyWindow]];

- (void)onAdNotFilled:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"AdView %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didFailToLoadAdViewAdWithError: MAAdapterError.noFill];

- (void)onAdClosed:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"AdView %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didHideAdViewAd];

- (void)onAdRendered:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"AdView %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didDisplayAdViewAd];

- (void)onAdExpanded:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"AdView %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didExpandAdViewAd];

- (void)onAdCollapsed:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"AdView %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didCollapseAdViewAd];

- (void)onAdClicked:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"AdView %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didClickAdViewAd];

- (void)onAdExpired:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"AdView %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];

- (void)onAdError:(MFAd *)ad withMessage:(NSString *)message
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"AdView %@ with message: %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__), message];
    [self.delegate didFailToLoadAdViewAdWithError: MAAdapterError.internalError];


#pragma mark - Interstitial Delegate

@implementation ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterInterstitialAdDelegate

- (instancetype)initWithParentAdapter:(ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter *)parentAdapter andNotify:(id<MAInterstitialAdapterDelegate>)delegate
    self = [super init];
    if ( self )
        self.parentAdapter = parentAdapter;
        self.delegate = delegate;
    return self;

// IMFAdCallbackReceiver delegate implementation

- (void)onAdLoaded:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Interstitial %@ with placement ID ", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__), ad.placementId];
    [self.delegate didLoadInterstitialAd];

- (void)onAdNotFilled:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Interstitial %@ with placement ID ", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__), ad.placementId];
    [self.delegate didFailToLoadInterstitialAdWithError: MAAdapterError.noFill];

- (void)onAdClosed:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Interstitial %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didHideInterstitialAd];

- (void)onAdRendered:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Interstitial %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didDisplayInterstitialAd];

- (void)onAdClicked:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Interstitial %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didClickInterstitialAd];

- (void)onAdExpired:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Interstitial %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];

- (void)onAdError:(MFAd *)ad withMessage:(NSString *)message
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Interstitial %@ with message: %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__), message];
    [self.delegate didFailToLoadInterstitialAdWithError: MAAdapterError.internalError];


#pragma mark - Rewarded Delegate

@implementation ALMobileFuseMediationAdapterRewardedAdDelegate

@synthesize grantedReward;

- (instancetype)initWithParentAdapter:(ALMobileFuseMediationAdapter *)parentAdapter andNotify:(id<MARewardedAdapterDelegate>)delegate
    self = [super init];
    if ( self )
        self.parentAdapter = parentAdapter;
        self.delegate = delegate;
    return self;

// IMFAdCallbackReceiver delegate implementation

- (void)onAdLoaded:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Rewarded %@ with placement ID ", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__), ad.placementId];
    [self.delegate didLoadRewardedAd];

- (void)onAdNotFilled:(MFAd *)ad {
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Rewarded %@ with placement ID ", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__), ad.placementId];
    [self.delegate didFailToLoadRewardedAdWithError: MAAdapterError.noFill];

- (void)onAdRendered:(MFAd *)ad {
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Rewarded %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didDisplayRewardedAd];

- (void)onUserEarnedReward:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.delegate didCompleteRewardedAdVideo];
    self.grantedReward = YES;

- (void)onAdClosed:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Rewarded %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    if ( self.grantedReward )
        MAReward *reward = self.parentAdapter.reward;
        [self.parentAdapter log: @"Rewarded ad user with reward: %@", reward];
        [self.delegate didRewardUserWithReward: reward];
        self.grantedReward = NO;
    [self.delegate didHideRewardedAd];

- (void)onAdClicked:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Rewarded %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];
    [self.delegate didClickRewardedAd];

- (void)onAdExpired:(MFAd *)ad
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Rewarded %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)];

- (void)onAdError:(MFAd *)ad withMessage:(NSString *)message
    [self.parentAdapter log: @"Rewarded %@ with message: %@", @(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__), message];
    [self.delegate didFailToLoadRewardedAdWithError: MAAdapterError.internalError];

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